Photo 14 (Cherry_Chow)
Updated on 28/09/2020

Other Photos of Topic More about Biodiversity Lab 1




The specimen is Polysiphonia, a red algae which is polysiphonous and usually well branched. The life-cycle of the red algae has three stages as triphasic. In Polysiphonia it consists of a sequence of a gametangial, carpospoangial and tetrasporangial phases. Male gametophytes produce spermatia and female gametophytes produce the carpogonium which remains attached to the parent female plant. After fertilization the diploid nucleus migrates and fuses with an auxiliary cell. A complex series of fusions and developments follow as the diploid zygote develops to become the carposporophyte as shown in left bottom photo, which is a separate phase of the life-cycle and is entirely parasitic on the female, it is surrounded by the haploid pericarp of the parent female plant. The diploid carpospores produced in the carposporangium when released are non-motile, they settle and grow to form filamentous diploid plants similar to the gametophyte. This diploid plant is the tetrasporophyte as shown as right bottom photo which when adult produced spores in fours after meiosis. These spores settle and grow to become the male and female plants thus completing the cycle.
by Leung_CheukYin_B (Student) at 2022-12-05 22:37:33
Great job! Very clear description!
by Cherry_Chow (Teacher) at 2022-12-19 09:44:27


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