Unifoliolate compound (TSOI_HoMing)
Updated on 07/04/2015

Other Photos of Topic Angiosperms -Vegetative features




what is the purpose of showing the bottom right photo?
by Cherry_Chow (Teacher) at 2015-04-13 12:05:39
I have changed the title "Unifoliate compound" to "Unifoliolate compound". One sign for this feature is the lamina being articulated with the petiole, as shown in the top photo. In addition to "unifoliolate compound", winged petiole is another characteristic found for some citrus sp.
by Cherry_Chow (Teacher) at 2016-02-01 15:27:37


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petal , sepal , pileus , pistil , suspensor , stipe , epidermis , ovule , Labellum , stamen