Highlight Photo

Sexual stage of zygomycete Rhizopus sp. (CHAN_YingTung)
Sporangium of Black bread mold Rhizopus sp. (Zygomycetes) (CHUNG_CheukYu)
Gametangium of Rhizopus sp. (TIU_NgaYuet)
Sexual stage of zygomycete Rhizopus sp. (LAM_OiNiCharis)
Asexual stage of Rhizopus sp. (x100) (CHAN_YingTung)
Rhizopus sp. on bread---zygomycota (YAU_MingLeuk)
Zygomycete Rhizopus sp. (PAU_YingYing)
Sexual Stage of Zogomycete Rhizopus sp. (ZHANG_Rui)
Black bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer (POON_WaiTak)

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